Tribute to Gina RIP                                      



It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that I have lost my soulmate of 61 years [ 56 as husband and wife]It was very sudden only 8 days from diagnosis of the cancer being terminal.


She had a mole removed in the summer which turned out to be a 'high risk melanoma' a subsequent body scan showed that it had spread to a lymph node. The lymph nodes in her groin were remove in a four-hour operation in early October and she recovered and healed from the surgery very well. We went to see her oncologist on 1 December and later that afternoon to  have a further body scan.


The meeting was to discuss potential treatments to reduce the risk of melanoma returning which there was a 60% chance within 5 years She had been feeling unwell for about ten days but not to the extent that it stopped her doing anything that she wanted to do – she was generally off colour, tired and a few aches and pains. The consultant ran another set of blood tests before we went for the scan. Later that evening we were told early scan results showed that there were spots on the liver. The following day with the detailed scan results available, we were given the full results. The cancer was extensive in her liver [ which was also beginning to fail] also it was in her spleen and her lungs. She came home with meds and at her request under that care of the community based palliative care team.


She was up and about dressed every day and all four of our girls visited and had really good one to one quality time together with her. Palliative doctor and nurses came daily and had pain and nausea under control. By Thursday she was noticeably weaker but still up and about as she was on the Friday. I put her to bed that evening early as she was tired. I went to bed around 10.00pm and she was sleepy but talking. I had a sense that I should not go to sleep and stayed awake with her. She said a few times " I can't do it - I can't do it". I had soft worship music playing in the background. Just before 3.00 she got out of bed to go to the toilet . When I got her back in bed, she settled down but again said "I can’t do it". I decided to pray about this and sensed that I was to pray over her but also to give her permission to let go and let her know that I released her as did each of the children and grandchildren. A few minutes later she said out loud " I have seen the Lamb - I have seen the Lamb"  and a few minutes later her breathing softly and gently faded to nothing - a graceful and peace filled transition to her heavenly home.


It was all that she had ever wanted when we had chatted about our mortality over the years:

  • She wanted to go before I did!
  • She wanted to have had the opportunity to spend time with all her family beforehand!
  • She wanted it to be just the two of us and to die at home in our bed!
  • She did not want to put her family through the agony of seeing her suffer a long-protracted illness!
  • She wanted to have received the final Sacraments which she had on the Tuesday!


So my soulmate of 61 years is no longer suffering in any way but now in glory with Jesus whom she loved with a passion. But she has left a BIG “Gina Shaped Hole” in our lives as a family but also in the lives of all who knew her. Her legacy is a profiound gift to countless of those who she ministred to and befriended.


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Rhema Outreach Ministries Members of the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening